Buy 5 Angler Tools get 6th one FREE!

Buy 5 Angler Tools get 6th one FREE!
¡Necesitas la herramienta Angler para realizar ajustes rápidos y precisos!
Características de la herramienta Angler.
¡Necesitas la herramienta Angler!
The Angler Tool has the necessary angles and measurement tables needed to:
The Angler Tool creates a method of proper installation of duct board fittings. New and experienced installers appreciate how easy the Angler Tool makes their job!
The Angler Tool is a duct board tool designed to be used on the jobsite to construct joints and fittings primarily with fibrous duct board, however, it can be used in an emergency to alter machine-produced metal duct in the field should the situation become necessary.
Instruction Manuals are fully illustrated and available for download in
English and Spanish.
Los manuals de instrucciones están completamente ilustrados y disponibles para descargar en Inglés y Español.
View pictures of multiple fittings you can create using the Angler Tool.
Galería de Fotos
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